Wanderlei about Rampage: “I don’t like him”

Just a few days left until the third duel against Quinton.”Rampage”Jackson, Wanderlei Silva commented on the new confrontation at the press conference before UFC-92, held last night in Las Vegas. Wand stated that the current moment is different in relation to other victories and valued the qualities of Rampage.

“It’s a totally different time, totally different fighters. He changed his team, I changed my team. It's a different place (cage), a different organization, where he was the last champion. I know he's still hungry to fight me. And I'm also hungry for a fight with him”, said the Brazilian. “The UFC offered me this fight, I'm happy because this is a great opportunity for me, as he is the best name right now. He beat Chuck (Liddell) twice, and he's very, very strong”, he praised.

But as expected, old Wand showed up and promised to repeat the same amount of other fights:


“I want to kill this guy, I don't like him. This is really no promotion. I do not speak with him. I don’t like him and he knows that”, concluded Wanderlei.


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