Cabo Frio Open with cash prizes

The organization of the Cabo Frio Open announced some news for the event that takes place on December 7th, one day after the Copa Rio Brasil de Seleções, a competition that will take the country's best athletes to the coastal city. Both events are held by FJJE-Rio, under the auspices of CBJJE, support from the city of Cabo Frio and Kimonos Podium.

“We are going to give cash prizes for both absolute categories in the brown and black belts. In addition to the weekend with a companion at the La Plage inn, a prize that the blue and purple absolute champions will also receive, we will give R$200 to the brown belt and R$600 to the black belt”, confirmed the president of FJJE-Rio, Rogério Gavazza.

Furthermore, Gavazza guarantees that almost all athletes who come from other states for the Copa Rio Brasil de Seleções are also signing up for the Cabo Frio Open.


“Both competitions will have a very high level. Teams from many parts of Brazil have confirmed their presence for the national team championship and are taking the opportunity to register athletes for the Cabo Frio Open. Rio Brasil will give the first national team title and everyone is excited”, concluded Gavazza, who promises to announce even more news.

Teams from nine states are already guaranteed to participate in the events. Federations that still wish to participate must contact us by November 26th. More information on the website



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