Pelé wins on return to Brazil

Without performing in Brazil since 2006, José Pele Landy returned victoriously to the Brazilian rings. Taking part in the main fight of BFW, an event that took place this Saturday in Curitiba, Pelé took no notice of Max Pedrera and knocked out his opponent with a knee in the first round. The show also featured a Muay Thai GP won by athlete Max, from Thai Brasil. Check the results*:

GP Final
– Max (Thai Brasil) knocked out Leandro (BIT) in the 2nd round

– Pelé Landi knocked out Max Pedrera (MS) in R1
– Jason (Thai Boxe) defeated Nilo Scooby (UDL) by judges’ decision;
– John Liniker (Emporium) defeated Galeto (Gile Ribeiro) by technical knockout in R2;
– Vinicius Vina (Combate) submitted Pinguim (UDL) in R1;
– Fernando Duarte (Chute Boxe) defeated Maycon Costa (Emporium) by judges’ decision;
– Vagner Tiburcio (Noguchi) submitted Alysson (Combate) in R2;


Muay Thai GP:
– André Tubes (Chute Boxe) knocked out Paulo (Arena) in R1;
– David (PRVT) knocked out Daniel Silva (Thai Naja) in R3.

*Disclosure of results: Ivan Canello



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