Mário Reis at the CBJJE World Championship

Mario Reis

The Brazilian Sports Jiu-Jitsu Confederation (CBJJE) is working hard to hold the third edition of the World Championship, which will take place from July 17th, at the Mauro Pinheiro gym, in the Ibirapuera complex (SP). Registration is now open and some of the main names in gentle art are beginning to guarantee their presence. Among them, Mário Reis has already confirmed his name at the event, where he will fight to retain the title.

“We have already started to receive many registrations from all over Brazil and Mário Reis has already guaranteed his presence, as well as the fighters on his team”, said the president of the CBJJE, Moisés Muradi.


In 2008, Mário beat four opponents to become champion, having submitted Teodoro canal with a triangle in the grand final. The achievement was Mário's seventh world title in different confederations. “I want to make history and win more than 10 World Cups,” he said at the time.

Discounted registrations (R$120 for members, R$140 for non-members and absolute R$10) are open until June 30th. After this date, the period ends on July 10th (R$130 for members, R$150 for non-members and R$20).


The CBJJE reminds you that registrations can be made via fax (11) 2972 ​​4828 – (11) 2979 4544. Please send Proof of Deposit together with the Registrations to validate them. After submitting the Registrations via Fax, please return the call to receive the Protocol Number and check that they are legible.

*Deposit at Banco do Brasil Branch 1554-7 C/Current 3299-9 in favor of CBJJE. Deposit only in cash and directly to the Cashier. ATM deposits will not be accepted! Please send Proof of Bank Deposit Along with Registrations to validate them!



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