Brazilian team of suitcases ready for M-1 in Seoul

The Brazilian team at the M-1 Challenge is ready for Seoul to face the Korean team on July 04th.

The dispute promises a lot of excitement, as it will be worth a place in the semi-finals of the MMA world cup and the Americans who are leaders of the group will also be at the event against the Russians who are bitten after the 5 – 0 defeat to the Brazilian team.

“We are confident and we are going to the other side of the world to seek this victory, this classification only depends on us. If the Americans stumble against the Russians in the challenge that precedes Brazil x Korea, we will overrun the Koreans. The 4th of July is American independence, but Brazilians are the ones who will control the rhythm of the party.” Said Fernando Navarro who is leading the team alongside Carlão Barreto.


Brazilian Team:

Hacran Dias – 70 kg
Eduardo Pamplona – 77 kg
Daniel Acácio – 84 kg
Alexandre Bebezão – 93 kg
Joaquim Mamute – + 93 kg
Carlão Barreto – Coach



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