MMA Forum is a success in Sampa

The first National MMA Forum was considered a success by all participants. Held in Ubatuba, in the convention room of the luxurious Wembley Inn Hotel, several topics in favor of the growth of MMA were debated. Among the 25 present were event managers such as Ricardo Saldanha (Max Fight), Marcio Keske (Real Fight), Denys Altstut (Santos Fight), Denny Rogers (Gravidade Zero) and Felipe (XL and Campos city hall), as well as fighters such as Fábio Maldonado, Carlos Galvão “Caiçara” and presenter Xicão Joly.

After lectures and discussions on various topics involving the sport (MMA Law, Media, History of MMA, Production, Arbitration, Event Structure...), some measures were considered unanimous by all participants. Among them, the creation of a superior entity, which regulates and recognizes MMA in Brazil as a sport.

“As long as MMA is not recognized as a sport, it will be difficult to even get sponsorship from large companies that are outside the segment. Furthermore, with an entity that regulates the modality, it is easier to achieve the desired professionalism. It will be possible to demand minimum quality standards from events and create an effective disciplinary code”, explained lawyers Ricardo Felix, who is Attorney for the São Paulo Football Federation, and Gustavo Conde, specialized in Sports Law.


“I consider this event a milestone for the sport. We managed to bring together a large group and debated different topics. Memorial de Santos covered everyone's accommodation and food, in a very pleasant environment, but no one received anything to be here. Everyone came just with the intention of making the sport grow”, said Marcio Keske.

“The next Forum will be in March next year and I think even more people will come, but this was already very important because we saw that everyone who was here was on the same wavelength: the growth of MMA. Now let’s work towards this”, concluded Xicão Joly.



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