Santos Fight: there’s a lot more to come!

Tatá, Gravanic and Marcio Keske

The Santos Fight Festival (SFF), in its first edition, is already considered one of the biggest events this year. The structure set up and all the fights were praised by the public that filled the Mendes Convention Center, in Santos. And the show cannot and will not stop. Wagner de Souza Gravanic, businessman who worked on producing the event alongside Denys Altstut, Marcio Keske and Otavio Duarte “Tatá”, promises that there is much more to come.

“I'm a bit suspicious of this, because when we do something, we do it with great care. I think the final opinion is that of the press and the public. But, in my opinion, the event went as expected. Of course it never works out XNUMX%. Perfect is just the man up there. But we fought hard, the whole public liked it and the important thing is that, the public liked it”, he stated.


Regarding expectations and preparations for new events, the promoter was emphatic

“We haven’t stopped working yet. We are having many meetings to put together the skeleton for the next edition, with this same partnership with Márcio and Tatá. We had a son and now we are taking care of him so that he matures. The problem today in Brazil is that many times a guy puts on a good event and ends up not going ahead for many reasons. Big businesspeople must open their eyes with MMA. It is already one of the most watched sports in Brazil and is growing throughout the world. The fighters and teachers also have to preserve this, attract their fans and help the event grow. This largely depends on professional fighters, who are an example for all these people. You can expect the next edition to be much better. I can’t say anything, but it’s going to be crazy,” he added.



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