Cabo Frio Open extends registrations

Registration for the Cabo Frio Open, which would close this Friday, had the deadline extended to next Monday (December 1). The event takes place on the 7th, in the city of Cabo Frio, with the participation of athletes from different parts of Brazil.

“We extended the deadline because many teachers called us commenting that there are more athletes wanting to participate. In addition to the athletes from other states who come to the Copa Rio Brasil de Seleções and will participate in the Cabo Frio Open, I have received calls from fighters from various parts of Brazil, who have shown interest in coming to Cabo Frio. It’s going to be a great event”, commented Rogério Gavazza, president of FJJE-Rio.

The two competitions are seen as another great event that will shake Cabo Frio. Newspapers, radio and local TV stations are widely publicizing the event, in addition to the main specialized websites and magazines throughout Brazil.



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