Discover the main hobbies of some of the biggest UFC stars

Hobby of UFC fighters. Photo: Disclosure

Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fights are one of the activities that demand the most physical and mental energy from its participants. Fighters have to undergo rigorous training to stay in shape and have little time for other aspects of life.


Still, it is impossible to dedicate yourself to just one task and many athletes understand the importance of hobbies and they have in them a possible escape valve to reduce the pressure on results, relax and have fun.

These hobbies range from reading books to casinos and here it will be possible to discover the main distractions of some of the UFC's biggest stars.


Several stars have hobbies that attract attention

The legendary Dana Frederick White Jr., better known as Dana White, is the current president of the UFC and one of the main people responsible for the immense international popularity of the sport.

In addition to being a great businessman and former boxer, he is also known for being a fan of blackjack and plays games during his free time in all kinds of venues. cassino.


Blackjack and other games have grown significantly in popularity in recent years due to the emergence of online casinos and currently enthusiasts from all over the world can start playing via computers, notebooks or smartphones.

Nowadays it is possible to find games of all values ​​and levels to have fun online, but Dana White is a true expert in this card game and likes to bet big at every opportunity.


According to statements to the press, he usually plays hands worth more than 25 thousand dollars and over the years he has accumulated an impressive net worth of more than 7 million dollars just from his winnings from the sport.

Another UFC star who draws attention due to his big numbers is the famous Conor McGregor.

Known by the nickname “The Notorious” (“The Notorious” in free translation), he is without a shadow of a doubt one of the greatest fighters to ever come through the UFC and has the feat of being the first Irish fighter to win titles in the featherweight categories. and light weight.

The triumph in the ring was transformed into financial success and McGregor is currently considered the highest paid athlete in the world. So, it's no surprise that one of his main hobbies is spending that fortune. To give you an idea, your most recent acquisition was a beautiful custom yacht valued at almost 19 million.

The vessel, purchased for around 3,6 million dollars (approximately 18,7 million reais), was nicknamed 'Lamborghini Tecnomar' by McGregor and is 19 meters long, as well as the ability to reach an impressive 111km/h .

Other fighters have simple everyday hobbies

Hobby of UFC fighters. Photo: Disclosure

Other fighters, like former welterweight champion Robert Glen “Robbie” Lawler, have hobbies that are much closer to the reality of UFC fans.

According to recent statements to the specialized press, he confessed that he loves cooking, especially dishes such as American or Korean barbecue, and listening to music and audiobooks.

This form of reading requires only a smartphone and headphones to listen to a work being narrated while doing something like preparing a meal, so the format, which has become increasingly popular, makes a lot of sense to Robbie.

Another star who likes to read is Daniel Ryan Cormier. A former heavyweight and light heavyweight champion, he is also a big fan of video games, softball and basketball, hobbies that have certainly helped the athlete maintain his high-performance career for so many years.

Many other fighters could be mentioned

In addition to the names mentioned above, several other UFC-related celebrities have interesting hobbies. One of the main ones is Anderson “Spider” Silva.

Former middleweight champion and one of the greatest Brazilians in UFC history, Spider is known for playing paintball and the fighter has his own specialized equipment and always invites several friends to have fun with this unusual sport.

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