Overeem takes an anti-doping test and provokes Cigano: “I’m coming to you”

alistair overeem did not give up on the idea of ​​facing junior gypsy for the UFC heavyweight belt. Even though he was suspended for doping, having been caught before UFC 146 with testosterone 14 times above normal in his test, the Dutchman responded to the Brazilian's recent statements.


Cigano had said that he never needed to take drugs to be champion, but Overeem, who presented an anti-doping test to the Nevada Athletic Commission, this Wednesday (20), responded to the Brazilian.

“I'm taking a drug test today to gain the trust of the Nevada Athletic Commission (the entity that suspended him) and because I admire and respect the UFC,” Overeem said. “To make it clear to Júnior, I say that I am a clean fighter. I’m all natural and I’m coming to you”, he said.

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