With many renowned fighters and several Brazilians selected, the PWP “War on the Mainland” appears in California, an event that takes place on August 14th in the city of Irvine, in the United States. The show will feature four Brazilian athletes on the card, such as former UFC fighter, Thales leites who will face Falaniko Vitale, as well as Allan Goes who will face Jason Lambert, Gustavo “Ximú” who will face Rick Reeves and João Silva who will face Erin Beach.
The main fight of the event will be between heavyweights Paul Buentello and former UFC champion Tim Sylvia. Check out the full card
Tim Sylvia vs. Paul Buentello
Jason Lambert vs. Allan Goes
Thales leites vs. Falaniko Vitale
Jens Pulver vs. Diego Garijo
Terry Martin vs. Jorge Ortiz
Gustavo “Ximú” Machado vs. Rick Reeves
João Silva vs. Erin Beach