2009 was a special year for the Thai Center team. The Santos team, which is considered a national reference in Thai boxing, achieved great results in Brazil and abroad, such as the South American one in Chile, the Elite Fight Night belt and a beautiful victory in the Kings Cup, which is considered the main event in Thailand. .
“It was a wonderful and blessed year for us, we had three great international victories with our undefeated champion Tainara Lisboa, as well as the no less important national titles with other great fighters we have on the team. We have a world-class amateur team and a professional team capable of shining in any national or international event”, says team leader Sandro de Castro, who is already thinking about next year.
“We have already prepared a very solid and ambitious project for 2010, with several new features to be worked on not only in Baixada Santista itself but also in São Paulo, outside the state and also outside the country”, he concluded.