The Brazilian Confederation of Sports Jiu-Jitsu (CBJJ), which continues to develop the gentle art across the continent and the world, calls on Brazilian athletes to invade Argentina on May 2nd, in Buenos Aires, when the 1st Mercosul takes place of Jiu-Jitsu. To this end, the entity managed a super promotion until March 31st. The round-trip ticket costs US$260,00 and there are other promotions. The contacts are (11) 3568-4324, Nextel 11 7877-3620, ID 134*9761.
“I just arrived from Argentina and everything is already prepared for the event. In addition to the already guaranteed presence of at least 250 athletes from there, fighters from Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay have also confirmed their presence in what will be the first championship that will really reach the countries of South America. I could see that the fighters from Argentina are looking forward to too big to closely follow the best jiu-jitsu in the world, the Brazilian one”, said the president of the CBJJE, Moises Muradi.
Registration is until April 21st. The entity asks to deposit the registration fee (R$80), (* Absolute + R$10) at Banco do Brasil, Ag. 1554, account 3299-9, in favor of CBJJE, in cash at the bank's cash desk or transfer. Then, send the receipt together with the registration form for fax; 11- 2972 4828 and 2979 4544
* Athletes from Argentina must register with Professor Eduardo Duarte, contact; [email protected]
It is worth remembering that Brazilians do not need a visa to enter Argentina, just bring your ID (original) or Passport. For more information about your stay and other questions, visit the entity's website